Internet Safety

Internet Safety Unit 

Grade K/1

Portaportal has a specific category for Internet Safety at the K/1 Level. The site we use for our Internet Safety Unit for K/1s is called and lessons are taught by Clicky the robot. Students go to NetSmartzKids to view videos with safety information and activities. They are specifically taught not to share any personal information online such as their name, address, phone number, school name, and family information and to be cautious when approached by strangers. They are advised to tell a parent or trusted adult if they find themselves in a scary or uncomfortable situation.


Grade 2/3

Grade 2/3 links are on Portaportal in the Internet Safety category sub category, 2/3 Level. The repeated message teaches students not to share any personal information with strangers. Grade 2/3 students access information from and BrainPop, Jr. (Internet Safety). New information on bullying, cyberbullying, and online safety has been added to the Internet Safety unit so students can identify particular behavior and seek help. If they are presented with a situation that makes them feel sad or uncomfortable they are instructed to tell a parent or trusted adult.


Grade 4/5

Grade 4/5 links are on Portaportal in the Internet Safety sub category, 4/5 Level. The Internet Safety Unit provides information for students when using the Internet. BrainPop provides videos and activity sheets to complete. Topics covered are online safety, digital etiquette, bullying and cyberbullying. They are reminded not to provide any personal information to strangers online, not to share their passwords, use good manners when sending messages, post only pictures that they have permission to post, and be caring and show empathy toward another person's feelings online and offline.