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Student Life

Students fist bump as they greet each other in classroom

Serving Kindergarten through Grade 5 students, RMMS provides the best possible educational experiences. 

The RMMS Compact is an agreement between the student, the student's family, and the Regional Multicultural Magnet School staff. It outlines each of our responsibilities to ensure a successful, safe, and enjoyable academic environment.

Student Responsibilities:

To improve literacy and math skills as a student, your responsibility will be to:

  • Strive to read every day at home
  • Notice and use new words
  • Think about how numbers are used every day in your life
  • Learn your math facts

To support an environment in which students are prepared, healthy, and happy, the student's responsibilities are to:

  • Come to school on time every day ready to work and learn.
  • Come with homework done and permission slips completed.
  • Come ready to cooperate with all students and adults.
  • Be friendly and respectful to all children and adults.
  • Get plenty of exercise and rest at home.
  • Spend more time on other activities (playing outside and reading) rather than on electronic games and T.V.
  • Be willing to try new things.
  • Try your best.

To increase overall success in school, the student's responsibility will be to:

  • Participate in community building events.
  • Make good choices and participate fully in the classroom community.  
  • Take responsibility for having a positive impact on the community.
  • Deliver important information from parents/caregivers to school.
  • Follow school rules.